CEFA: Where Does the Money Go?

3 min readMay 10, 2021
Photo by Chepe Nicoli on Unsplash

When investing in any DeFi token, you’re taking a leap of faith. We don’t need you to trust us 100%. Just trust the code, the blockchain, and us… about 21%.

The Crystal Elephant Farm token is proudly 79% ownership renounced. We would love to be 100% so there would be zero trust involved, but we need to make certain decisions that a smart contract simply is not smart enough to do.

While the major financial components of the CEFA contract are automated or ownership renounced, we still need to be able to make operational decisions for marketing (2M CEFA), development (1.3M), farming (4M), and, well, ourselves (1.5M).

Also, we need the funds to execute properly our transactional dividends to CETO Blockchain Family tokenholders (12.5M). Instead of not acknowledging this until after launch, we’re telling you all this up front.

Photo by Franck on Unsplash

So we have LOCKED. IT. DOWN as much as possible, courtesy of Team.Finance:


Take part in your share of 100,000 CEFA distributed to all holders. Every 30 days. For 20 years. — Initially, we are locking the 24.4M total supply for airdrops to a 30 day locker while we create a more elegant solution to releasing a hundred thousand CEFA 244 times.

Proof of LOCK: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x7a22647894cac7e66fe1d900bee706fdbd68fd5913367f3553791068b7845612


Our quarterly bond offering, coming soon in a quarter near you. Holders of these exclusive 90-day investment instruments will proportionally share from a monthly pool of 150,000 CEFA, paid out equally in CETO, BCETO, and ECETO to its holders.

Proof of LOCK: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x90ab67e7a0b867993cb575411d51786447b4cc2cb14248ebb939cc911f900f0c


Starting off with 1,000,000 after completion of our IFO, we look forward to creating numerous pools for you to safely stake your CEFA. Every 90 days for the following three quarters, we will release another 1,000,000 CEFA with which to yield farm. Earn more APY on your buy.

Proof of LOCK:


Instead of some of the obscene amounts reserved for teams that we have seen in the DeFi space, we have humbly locked 1.5 million (1.5% of token supply), released on a quarterly basis. We couldn’t dump this token even if we wanted to (trust me — we love CEFA!). After a 90-day waiting period, 375,000 CEFA will be released to our team, every 90 days, for the next year.

Proof of LOCK:

To account for the 1.2% of every transaction that’s sent to the Fertilizer Bag, we have burned 20 million CEFA from the start, or one-fifth of our token supply. We’re SERIOUS about deflationary tokenomics.

Proof of Burn: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x74991b748304dfc3c8c5f47dea032169037e52f1a0fac945178be1145c120750

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

So that’s where the money goes. 79% ownership renounced. Low team tokens. High financial upside. Fire up the tractor and join us on The Farm.

